SK-NIC, a. s., is the manager of the top-level domain .sk and the second-level domain

The company is recognized by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) as the only delegated manager of the .sk domain.


Among the main pillars on which SK-NIC, a.s. builds are security, support and education in the field of online environment.

Articles, information and support on these topics are published mainly on a special portal Virtuálnô.sk.


The company reached a major milestone in the field of domain security in 2021, when it exceeded the limit of 50% of .sk domains secured via the DNSSEC service. The DNSSEC system has been used in Slovakia since 2019 and it has been one of the world’s leading domains since the beginning.


An integral part of SK-NIC, a.s. the SK-NIC Fund is the main source through which various projects are being supported every year. The fund has already supported projects in the field of cyber security, education, tackling digital inequality, as well as progressive topics such as artificial intelligence and environmental IT.


You can find more information in the special section We support on the portal.

The manager of the top-level domain .sk, i.e. the company SK-NIC, a.s. manages all domain administrative data and generates a zone file that contains the nameserver addresses for each domain.

The .sk top-level domain registry is a database of all second-level .sk domain names and related information about their Registrants and domain names (DNS) on the Internet.

SK-NIC is continuously committed to improving the security and protection of data entrusted to us by our customers and partners, as well as the overall security of our services.


The company SK-NIC has been certified according to the ISO 27001 safety standard for many years. As a result of this certification, SK-NIC has demonstrated that it takes information security seriously and adheres to international standards in the area of security management systems.


SK-NIC is certified by TÜV SÜD Slovakia, an official certification body for several management systems. Services in the field of Internet infrastructure are included in the scope of the SK-NIC certification. Our security measures are constantly revised through regular audits.


SK-NIC also successfully completed another cyber security audit in 2023 in accordance with Act No. 69/2018 Coll. In addition to setting statutory cybersecurity standards, the Act requires organizations that handle sensitive data to undergo regular audits to verify compliance with the current wording of the law.


History of SK-NIC, a.s. dates back to the beginning of the .sk domain. In 1999, the company changed its name from EUNET Slovakia to EuroWeb Slovakia and in 2006 to SK-NIC, a.s.


SK-NIC, a.s. concluded a cooperation agreement with the Government of the Slovak Republic in 2006 – a unique legal relationship within the management of national domains in Europe – by which it voluntarily transferred part of its domain management competencies to the government and complied with service level requirements and the National Domain Management Commission .sk, which consists of representatives of the Internet community, the Government of the Slovak Republic and representatives of the company.


April 12th 1993 – start of operation of the .SK domain

December 21st 1999

.sk domain manager – EUnet Slovakia is renamed to EuroWeb Slovakia, a.s.

February 3rd 2006

.sk domain manager – EuroWeb Slovakia, a.s. is renamed to SK-NIC, a.s.


conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement with the Government of the Slovak Republic, which SK-NIC, a.s. voluntarily transferred part of its competences in the administration of the domain to the government and complied with the requirements for the level of services provided as well as the National Domain Management Commission
2006 - the number of registered .SK domains exceeded 100 000 mark


SK-NIC, a.s. becomes member of CENTR
2009 - the number of registered .SK domains exceeded 200 000 mark

June 28th 2010


launch of e-invoicing


full support of IPv6 addresses has been launched
2013 - the number of registered .SK domains exceeded 300 000 mark

September 1st 2017

migration to the new system. The new .sk Terms & Conditions have come into force.

September 1st 2017

origin of ADR centre (Arbitration centre for alternative domain dispute resolution)

December 9th 2017

entry in the register by which SK-NIC, a.s. becomes part of the CentralNic Group

October 10th 2018

successful ISO 27001 certification

April 29th 2019

SK-NIC a.s. launches DNSSEC service aimed at securing domains against forgery or intentional fraudulent manipulation and increasing the security of the Internet and its users

September 30th 2019

the first mention of the SK-NIC Fund
October 25th 2019 - the number of registered .SK domains exceeded 400 000 mark

January 1st 2020

Slovakia has launched an additional service to DNSSEC,

the so called CDS scanning as the third country in Europe

October 29th 2020

launch of an educational program Academy of Virtual Slovakia, which educates the public about the virtual world
2021 - the number of .SK domains protected by DNSSEC overcome 50%
August 15th 2021 - start of registration of third level domains

August 2021

beginning of cooperation with the organization Junior Achievement Slovakia in the education of informatics teachers

October 20th 2021

beginning of cooperation with the Academy of the Police Force in the education of police cadets

October 29th 2021

launch of the portal for Virtual Slovakia called – Virtuálnô.sk
August 17th 2022 - the number of registered .SK domains exceeded 450 000 mark

September 26th - 28th 2022

SK-NIC hosted the CENTR (Council of European National Top-Level Domain Registries) working group for the first time

December 30th 2022

support for projects from the SK-NIC Fund exceeded 1,000,000 EUR

January 1st 2023

launch of the Qualitative Accreditation Programme for .sk and Registrars