The year 2020 and the associated global pandemic brought a significant increase in the presence of people on the Internet. We recommend paying close attention to safe behaviour in virtual space as October is the European Cyber Security Month.
This topic applies to every Internet user, doesn’t matter if it is a child, student, adolescent, adult, or senior. The youngest and the oldest are mostly considered to be at risk, but practically anyone can become a victim of a cyber attack.
Therefore it is advisable to know at least the basic principles of safe behavior on the Internet at (such could be found on the relevant websites like [Slovak only]) and also maintain an ongoing awareness of the newest threats to cybersecurity.
In connection with the increasing number of Internet users, cybercrime is also growing. Therefore we are very happy that we have supported several great projects focused on cybersecurity, prevention of cyberbullying or dealing with its consequences in the past. Here are some examples:
- Internet security – this online game is free and aims to teach any child how to behave online in a secure manner. You can play it in the 4th episode of the game called Discover Competences Online on the KASPIAN’s website (Slovak only).
- Fight against child abuse via the Internet – as in the real world, also in the virtual one it is necessary to detect, describe and actively eliminate the pitfalls leading to child abuse. Therefore, we actively supported creation of the „IT Happened“ portal (Slovak only), which is under the responsibility of the organization IPčko – internet counseling for young people.
- Summer School of Cybercrime 2020 – we also supported a 5-day training camp for students of computer science and law at Slovak universities, where they could gain new knowledge and experience in this important topic through workshops and lectures.
In addition to projects, we also contribute to security on the Internet in practice, e.g. with additional level of domain security, so-called DNSSEC service. This system prevents hackers from redirecting a user to wrong web address and obtain sensitive data in this way, and subsequently misuse them.
Even with the growing number of Slovak domains, thanks to the active participation of our registrars, we already secured more than 37% of .sk domains, i.e. more than 155.000 in number, which ranks Slovakia at 4th place in the world in terms of DNSSEC coverage. We provide all the necessary information about the service on our website, as well as some stats graphs. If you don’t have it yet, ask your registrar for it.
Increasing cybersecurity also includes education. First of all, it is necessary to educate and help “newcomers” in the virtual world. That is why we launched the Academy of Virtual Slovakia, where we actively help people enter the virtual space, especially the Slovak one.
We accompany the viewer in the form of simple and entertaining videos on the way from setting up a domain, to website or e-shop creation, and so on. Of course, we don’t forget to provide instructions on how to secure domains and websites.
We are ready to further expand our portfolio of activities that increase Internet security and continue to support projects that are worth it!