It’s finally here! After long negotiations and searching for the right financing model, we have launched a new support mechanism. We are pleased that also the professionals from the Internet community were part of the discussions and the creation of the mechanism. From all the topics that we could support, we have selected two, which we consider being very current.
We strongly believe that good projects will apply and together we will contribute to the improvement of the possibilities and the protection of the Internet and the whole digital environment.
„The new support mechanism has set strict rules and I believe that we sent a clear signal to the Internet community that the resources in the fund are here to support interesting projects and ideas of young and creative people, Slovak companies and start-ups. I believe that as many projects as possible will be submitted and the Pontis Foundation will choose the best of them,“ said Mr. Jaroslav Kmeť, General Manager of the IT Department of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization (further as „the Office“).
We have allocated 100,000 EURO for the projects. We will provide financial support in the range of 2,500 EURO to 10,000 EURO to the projects, which meet the conditions of the call and will be confirmed by the Office.
The goal of the first call is to support the projects focused on:
- information and communication technologies education
- information security / cybersecurity
We will support:
- starting projects
- projects that effectively use information and communication technologies for education or projects educating about these technologies
- projects increasing information security or cybersecurity, i.e. security related to the electronic environment
Applicants for financial support will receive all necessary information on the SK-NIC, a.s. website and also on the Pontis Foundation website. Pontis Foundation is responsible for the process of collecting applications and evaluating projects.
The call was published today, i.e. 30 September 2019.
A support video is also available with the fund.