Slovakia is part of the European Union with applicable democratic principles. If someone registers a domain, he registers it for a specified period and is responsible for its use. If the domain demonstrably performs criminal activity in violation of the Slovak Republic or of the European Union regulations, SK-NIC in coordination with the authorities (Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic and its organizational units, National Security Office, Slovak Information Service, etc.) will proceed to deactivate the domain.
SK-NIC is not the authority to judge and tag the conspiracy content of any site. To this end, there are clearly defined authorities in parliamentary democracy with which we are in agreement and cooperation. We are pleased that the Parliament has responded promptly and recently addressed this issue.
The draft of the new Act on Extraordinary Measures, which creates legal base for the disinformation content decisions, passed the approval by the National Council of the Slovak Republic yesterday. We are glad that there was such a quick reaction.
At the initiative of the authority under the above mentioned law, we are ready to respond immediately. However, please also note that malfunctioning of the domain address will not remove the content itself from the Internet, it will only make it harder to find.
At the same time, we draw attention to the list of disinformation Facebook accounts, updated by the Police Force of the Slovak Republic. They are usually the so-called “Trolls”, i.e. paid artificial social accounts intended for the publication of misleading information.
At a time like this, any help is definitely welcome. Therefore, we provide some recommendations listing organizations that have already launched collections and other material and financial assistance to those affected by the war:
Nadácia Magna (Magna Foundation)
Slovenská katolícka charita (Slovak Catholic Charity)
Človek v ohrození (Human in Danger)
Sávio, o.z.
Kto pomôže Ukrajine (Who will help Ukraine)
Feel free to get involved, we have already done so.
Bratislava, February 26, 2022