The month of cybersecurity is also the month in which we have crossed the limit of 400,000 domains. Virtual Slovakia is growing with the number of those who enter the virtual world. In the Slovak one, we have the space for all who want to learn, communicate, travel, shop or have fun. Slovak virtual space is growing faster than the average of other European countries, which means it is active and developing. For the sake of interest, we crossed the limit of 300,000 domains in 2013.
Virtual space needs to be protected. In SK-NIC, we realize our co-responsibility for securing Virtual Slovakia. Therefore, in 2019 we introduced DNSSEC – a higher standard of domain security. This service will ensure that Internet traffic is routed towards the correct web address. This system protects virtual sites – domains – from attacks And that’s not all – we are preparing more security news in the near future!
We are pleased that the „DNSSECure your domain!“ campaign, which we announced for the month of the cybersecurity – October – and which we prepared in cooperation with our Registrars, is bringing the expected results. The number of domains with a higher security standard is growing at a very good rate, better than in many other countries where it has been deployed. 6 month after deployed the system, the number of domains with DNSSEC surpassed the limit of 10,000.
For comparison, public statistics from CENTR (Council of European National Top-Level Domain register) from October 2019 showed, that Norway is the European leader in DNSSEC-secured domains (over 58 % domains with DNSSEC), followed by the Czech Republic (over 57,11 % domains with DNSSEC), Netherlands (over 54,6 % domains with DNSSEC) and Sweden (over 50,17 % domains with DNSSEC).
Slovakia, which launched DNSSEC at the end of April this year, currently has a share of about 2,5%, what is, of course, supported by the awareness of Registrars or Registrants of .sk domains respectively.