The SK-NIC Fund has already supported projects worth of hundreds of thousands EUR. With the last call the amount rose to EUR 600,000. We presented the projects that received support and we accompanied them during their implementation. We did not miss the opportunity to talk about them in the media and we had actively created this space in the media ourselves for many of them.
Since 2019, when the new mechanism of the SK-NIC Fund began to function, we have written numerous articles, contributions and announcements about the projects supported by us.
And as more and more projects are being added to the already implemented or ongoing ones, we have created a new virtual space for communication with the apt name Virtualnô.
Since today, supported projects from the SK-NIC Fund will form part of this virtual Slovakia on the new portal named Virtuálnô.sk.
Let’s recap the Call for Small Projects for 2021.
The call of the SK-NIC Fund, which we had announced on June 1, 2021, stayed open until July 15, 2021 (that means 2 weeks longer than usually).
By the deadline, 176 applications came from various civil associations, non-profit organizations, municipalities, schools and individuals from all over Slovakia!
The call included following topics:
- projects effectively using information and communication technologies for education or projects educating about these technologies (so-called e-learning), 71% of requests belonged to this topic,
- projects supporting the digital economy of small and medium-sized enterprises (the so-called come to do business online) with 19% of applications from the total number of applications,
- projects aimed at fake news and conspiracies on the Internet suppression. 10% of applications from the total number of applications were registered under this topic.
Of the total number of applications (176), 97 projects met the formal requirements. They made it to the substantive round of evaluation, where emphasis was placed not only on the benefits for the target group, but also on the way the project is planned to be implemented and the effectiveness and sustainability of the project. Finally, the evaluators proposed to approve the 12 best projects..
Applicant | Name of the project | Approved amount in EUR |
Zmudri | Become wise and think critically | 9 775,00 |
Junior Achievement Slovensko, n.o. | Program of digital competence coordinators | 10 000,00 |
Základná škola A. Sládkoviča | Learning is “Cheesy” | 6 650,00 |
IPčko | You are not alone – Online classroom lessons with IPcko about mental health and Internet phenomena | 10 000,00 |
Škola zážitkov Harvart | Argue | 3 171,00 |
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach | Learn the basics of information security and educate those around you | 10 000,00 |
Univerzita Matej Bela v Banskej Bystrici, Fakulta prírodných vied | VIRTUAL GEOLAB | 8 230,00 |
Aj Ty v IT | TECH LIBRARY | 10 000,00 |
Uni2010, o.z. | Come up with an innovative idea | 9 500,00 |
Slovensko.Digital | Slovensko.Digital helps also entrepreneurs | 9 862,88 |
Platforma rodín detí so zdravotným znevýhodnením | ICT support of the Platform of families of children with disabilities | 9 111,12 |
Základná škola Ľudovíta Štúra, Komenského 1/A, 900 01 Modra | The diligent bees of the school in Modra | 3 700,00 |
The requested amounts are in accordance with the conditions of the call, ranging from EUR 2,500 to EUR 10,000. The entire amount set aside for the call, in the amount of EUR 100,000 will be distributed from the SK-NIC Fund.
We will conclude contracts for the provision of financial support with the authors of successful projects individually, while the financing will take place after the contract signing.
You can find all the necessary information about this and future calls on our new website Virtualnô or on the website of the Pontis Foundation.
We wish all the projects a successful start and we are already looking forward to the next call, which we expect in 2021!