Applicants for financial support from the SK-NIC Fund have only few days left to register their projects. The call for small projects 2020 ends on October 15 at 11:59 PM.
We remind interested parties that applications can be submitted only electronically via portal (Slovak only). As mentioned above, it is still possible to apply for support in the range of 2,500 EUR to 10,000 EUR.
The call covers these three topics:
- projects that effectively use information and communication technologies for education or projects educating about these technologies,
- projects supporting communities through ICT (i.e. improving the conditions of its functioning or improving the lives of its members),
- projects introducing artificial intelligence or machine learning.
More information about the call can be found on our website (Slovak only).
In this round of the call, up to 100,000 EUR will be distributed from the SK-NIC Fund by us! That means that the total support of the fund for the internet community and virtual Slovakia will exceed half a million EUR! With each call, we receive more and more requests for financial support. We are already wondering whether this number will continue to rise.