Point 9.1 of the Rules says that:
- The Registrar can only be a legal entity established in one of the Member States of the European Union, in the State of the European Economic Area or in a Member State of the European Free Trade Association or in the United Kingdom and the natural person who is authorized to do business accordingly applies accordingly.
- The Registrar may not be in bankruptcy or liquidation, an insolvency or bankruptcy petition may not be denied or revoked for lack of property and may not be in any analogous situation to such situations, for example in a voluntary auction on the basis of a third Persons or in enforceable proceedings,
- The Registrar must not be suspended,
- The Registrar or the persons authorized to represent him / her or to take decisions on his / her behalf or to control him / her shall not be convicted of a criminal conviction for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization, legalization of proceeds from crime or any other unlawful conduct detrimental to the financial interests of the Slovak The European Union, the European Economic Area or the European Free Trade Association,
- Must be registered as a User.
In practice, this means that the Registrar can become a legal entity that has its registered office (note that it is not enough to have just a delivery address!) In one of the Member States of the European Union, in a state forming the European Economic Area or a member of the European Free Trade Association.
The list of all states that meet this condition is listed in the table below.
Kód | Názov [SK] | Názov [EN] | EU / EEA / EFTA |
AT | Rakúsko | Austria | EU, EFTA |
BE | Belgicko | Belgium | EU, EEA, EFTA |
BG | Bulharsko | Bulgaria | EU, EFTA |
BE | Belgicko | Belgium | EU, EEA, EFTA |
HR | Chorvátsko | Croatia | EU, EFTA |
CY | Cyprus | Cyprus | EU, EFTA |
CZ | Česká republika | Czech Republic | EU, EFTA |
DK | Dánsko | Denmark | EU, EEA, EFTA |
EE | Estónsko | Estonia | EU, EFTA |
EU | Inštitúcie Európskej únie | European Union Institutions | EFTA |
FI | Fínsko | Finland | EU, EFTA |
FR | Francúzsko | France | EU, EEA, EFTA |
DE | Nemecko | Germany | EU, EEA, EFTA |
GR | Grécko | Greece | EU, EEA, EFTA |
HU | Maďarsko | Hungary | EU, EFTA |
IS | Island | Iceland | EFTA |
IE | Írsko | Ireland | EU, EEA, EFTA |
IT | Taliansko | Italy | EU, EEA, EFTA |
LV | Lotyšsko | Latvia | EU, EFTA |
LI | Lichtenštanjsko | Liechtenstein | EFTA |
LT | Litva | Lithuania | EU, EFTA |
LU | Luxembursko | Luxembourg | EU, EEA, EFTA |
MT | Malta | Malta | EU, EFTA |
NL | Holandsko | Netherlands | EU, EEA, EFTA |
NO | Nórsko | Norway | EFTA |
PL | Poľsko | Poland | EU, EFTA |
PT | Portugalsko | Portugal | EU, EEA, EFTA |
RO | Rumunsko | Romania | EU, EFTA |
SK | Slovenská republika | Slovakia | EU, EFTA |
SI | Slovinsko | Slovenia | EU, EFTA |
ES | Španielsko | Spain | EU, EEA, EFTA |
SE | Švédsko | Sweden | EU, EFTA |
CH | Švajčiarsko | Switzerland | EFTA |
GB | Veľká Británia | United Kingdom | EEA, EFTA |
EU – European Union
EEA – European Economic Area
EFTA – European Free Trade Association
Prior to completing the Registrar’s Agreement, the prospective Registrar must demonstrate that they meet requirements above.
At the same time, the Registrar must comply with the other conditions above, which he / she will record in the course of his / her application. If the Registrar ceases to fulfill any of the above conditions, the registrar’s authorization will be terminated along with the registrar’s activity.
You can find information on how to become a registrar on the dedicated subpage How to become a Registrar of .sk Domain.