Frequently Asked Questions

Point 9.1 of the Rules says that:

  • The Registrar can only be a legal entity established in one of the Member States of the European Union, in the State of the European Economic Area or in a Member State of the European Free Trade Association or in the United Kingdom and the natural person who is authorized to do business accordingly applies accordingly.
  • The Registrar may not be in bankruptcy or liquidation, an insolvency or bankruptcy petition may not be denied or revoked for lack of property and may not be in any analogous situation to such situations, for example in a voluntary auction on the basis of a third Persons or in enforceable proceedings,
  • The Registrar must not be suspended,
  • The Registrar or the persons authorized to represent him / her or to take decisions on his / her behalf or to control him / her shall not be convicted of a criminal conviction for fraud, corruption, involvement in a criminal organization, legalization of proceeds from crime or any other unlawful conduct detrimental to the financial interests of the Slovak The European Union, the European Economic Area or the European Free Trade Association,
  • Must be registered as a User.

In practice, this means that the Registrar can become a legal entity that has its registered office (note that it is not enough to have just a delivery address!) In one of the Member States of the European Union, in a state forming the European Economic Area or a member of the European Free Trade Association.

The list of all states that meet this condition is listed in the table below.

KódNázov [SK]Názov [EN]EU / EEA / EFTA
ATRakúskoAustriaEU, EFTA
BEBelgickoBelgiumEU, EEA, EFTA
BGBulharskoBulgariaEU, EFTA
BEBelgickoBelgiumEU, EEA, EFTA
HRChorvátskoCroatiaEU, EFTA
CYCyprusCyprusEU, EFTA
CZČeská republikaCzech RepublicEU, EFTA
DKDánskoDenmarkEU, EEA, EFTA
EEEstónskoEstoniaEU, EFTA
EUInštitúcie Európskej únieEuropean Union InstitutionsEFTA
FIFínskoFinlandEU, EFTA
FRFrancúzskoFranceEU, EEA, EFTA
DENemeckoGermanyEU, EEA, EFTA
GRGréckoGreeceEU, EEA, EFTA
HUMaďarskoHungaryEU, EFTA
IEÍrskoIrelandEU, EEA, EFTA
ITTalianskoItalyEU, EEA, EFTA
LVLotyšskoLatviaEU, EFTA
LTLitvaLithuaniaEU, EFTA
LULuxemburskoLuxembourgEU, EEA, EFTA
MTMaltaMaltaEU, EFTA
NLHolandskoNetherlandsEU, EEA, EFTA
PLPoľskoPolandEU, EFTA
PTPortugalskoPortugalEU, EEA, EFTA
RORumunskoRomaniaEU, EFTA
SKSlovenská republikaSlovakiaEU, EFTA
SISlovinskoSloveniaEU, EFTA
ESŠpanielskoSpainEU, EEA, EFTA
SEŠvédskoSwedenEU, EFTA
GBVeľká BritániaUnited KingdomEEA, EFTA

EU – European Union
EEA – European Economic Area
EFTA – European Free Trade Association

Prior to completing the Registrar’s Agreement, the prospective Registrar must demonstrate that they meet requirements above.

At the same time, the Registrar must comply with the other conditions above, which he / she will record in the course of his / her application. If the Registrar ceases to fulfill any of the above conditions, the registrar’s authorization will be terminated along with the registrar’s activity.

You can find information on how to become a registrar on the dedicated subpage How to become a Registrar of .sk Domain.

Every .sk Domain Registrar who confirms the consent (is accredited) on Terms and Conditions for the Use of the Special Second-Level Domain, can become an Registrar.

It´s possible to agree on Terms and Conditions after logging in to the Registrar console in the left menu, int the part Settings >> Accreditations section.

Only such entity may become and be the Registrant of a third-level domain under the “” Domain that is a User under the Terms and Conditions and that has a seat or place of business in the Slovak Republic and is a legal entity:

which has not been established for the purpose of making profit and, simultaneously, it is

a) a civic association;
b) a foundation;
c) a non-investment fund; or
d) a non-for-profit organisation that provides services of general benefit (“n. o.”).

To cancel a registrar´s account, it is necessary to terminate the Registrar Agreement.

To terminate the Registrar Agreement, a written request for termination must be delivered, signed by the person or persons authorized to act on behalf of the entity, as stated in the Business Register, or another relevant register.

Sample of mentioned document can be found here.

To cancel the accreditation for the registration of the “” Domains, communication with SK-NIC is required, while such request needs to be addressed in written form (means on paper or electronically).

The registration fee for the Domain is redeemed at the time of Domain registration itself or when prolonging its registration period. The minimum period for registering a Domain is 1 year. Extending the Domain registration period is possible sometimes and even more (for Registrars: directly via the feature in the Domain details), but up to the maximum aggregation of the registration period of 10 years (ie if the Domain is registered for 3 years, it is possible to extend it for a maximum of +7 years, Ie together 10).

When changing the Domain Registrar (this is always initiated by the new Registrar), it is normally necessary to extend the registration period by at least 1 year (up to a cumulative maximum of 10 years). The exceptions are when the Registrar is changed at the time the Domain is registered for 10 years. In this case, an extension of zero is required. The second exception is the change of the Registrar, when the new Registrar becomes SK-NIC.

An authinfo Domain code is:

  • A security element of the Domain.
  • Is only visible to the current Domain Registrar, and it is provided to the holder.
  • Is necessary in order to change the Domain Registrar.


When registering each Domain, the Registrar can determine whether the AuthInfo code for the Domain will be automatically generated or manually enter it.

The code can be used by a Domain Registrant or New registrar, it is important to ensure that this code is maintained using the highest possible level of security.

Requirements for authinfo codes:

  • Minimum number of characters: 16
  • Maximum number of characters: 48
  • Must be a combination of: Upper Case Letters, Lower Case Letters, Numbers & Special Characters.
  • Special Chars allowed: ¬!”£$%^&*()_+=-[]{}:@~#’;?><,./
  • Base: at least: 1 upper, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 special


After changing the Registrar, the AuthInfo code is automatically pre-generated for the new system for security reasons. The Registrar may at any time change the AuthInfo code through the Registry Console in the Domain details.

An authInfo code is a security element for the Domain. It is used to allow the secure change of Domain Registrar for the Domain. This code is automatically renamed to the new system after the Registrar is changed.

Note: when changing a Domain owner, by modifying the Domain data in the system, the authInfo code will not change. For security reasons the Registrar must manually change this code.

The general sharing of user contact details is not permitted, in particular, given the new requirements of European data protection law (known as GDPR), each registrar must manage its own set of contacts.

It is recommended that the Registrar maintains only one contact per subject / person – so changing the data of this entity will not require changing the data on all of its Domains.

However, it will not be possible to associate the users (contacts) of other Registrars. Such a case occurs only when the authorized Domain Registrar changes – if the new Registrar wants to modify the contact details, they must replace them with their own. In order to compare the original Domain name data, the AuthInfo code can be used when the Domain Registrar is changed.

The change of the authorized contact information Registrar is not possible.

Here is what you need to distinguish between display technology first. For WHOIS, which also provides public data, publication is as follows:

  • If the Holder is a natural person, only their ID will always be displayed for privacy reasons, while any address, phone, and email will be anonymised independently of any public disclosure policy setting (so called “disclose” in the EPP or checkbox window when contacting in Contacts).
  • If the Holder is a legal entity, they may have their phone and / or email hidden, just by “disclose” them through EPPs or checkboxes.

When viewing within the EPP (automated) communications through EPP or managing the contacts / Domains through the web interface, access is always either denied or complete under the data access authorization:

  • If he / she is accessing the administrator (sponsor) of the user (contact) and gets information directly about this object.
  • If an AuthInfo accessing user’s (contact) code is known, if it is set and gets information directly about this object.
  • If an AuthInfo Affiliate knows the Domain code to which the User (contact) is assigned as the Holder

When registering a User in the web interface, the system offers the possibility of automatically generating an ID, but the Registrar may change it, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Allowed ID lenght is at least 3 and maximum 16 characters,
  2. Characters in upper case are alphabetical alphanumeric without diacritics, digits 0 to 9, and “- /. /:” (Dash, dot, and two-digit).
  3. The identifier must not begin with the KEY prefix: or NS :.

FOR EXAMPLE , ID can be in the example Id27:zp8.4-corPX or MojeIDvSk-nic/01

When using EPP, the Registrar always creates its own ID.

This is the case if it is de-facto the same legal entity (eg internal division or entity or just another named contact acting as a representative of a legal entity). The Registrar may also register Domains for the Linked User, but only if it is a Domain that meets the “own need” condition.

Yes, in this case, it is referred to as “auxiliary” Domain contact (by editing the data of that domain). Only one auxilliary contact can be assigned to a Domain. However, in the case of proof of delivery, it is up to the Registrant to perform the service – if it is not possible for the Registrant to deliver traditional postal or postal delivery to that address. An official consignment will not fulfil the condition for its existence (point 2.1 of the new Rules) and may lose the Domain.

We would like to inform the Registrars that, due to the protection of personal data, it is necessary to enter only the contacts of the legal entities as contact data of the Registrar, because these contacts are intended, among other things, to be published by the WHOIS service.

An AuthInfo code is a security element of the Domain name and contact.


Requirements for authinfo codes:

• Minimum number of characters: 16

• Maximum number of characters: 48

• Must be a combination of: Upper Case Letters, Lower Case Letters, Numbers & Special Characters.

• Special Chars allowed: ¬!”£$%^&*()_+=-[]{}:@~#’;?><,./

Base: at least: 1 upper, 1 lowercase, 1 number, 1 special


Since June 1, 2018, the method for AuthInfo code generation will be modified, with some differences between web (GUI) and EPP interfaces.


  • User (contact) creation and Domain name creation – AuthInfo value is mandatory and has to fulfill validation rules.
  • Domain name update and user (contact) update – it’s not mandatory to include the AuthInfo in the <update>, it is to be provided only in case when Registrar wants to change it and AuthInfo code has to fulfill the validation rules in such a case.



  • Domain name creation – it’s not mandatory here, but if it is provided, it has to fulfill the validation rules. If it is not provided, the system itself will generate it.
  • User (contact) creation – There is no AuthInfo code provision necessary within this activity. The system generates it instead.
  • Domain name update – the Domain name edit page includes an AuthInfo form element, which is populated with the current AuthInfo code for the Domain name. If the user does not edit that form element, then the AuthInfo code does not change.
  • User (contact) update – change of AuthInfo code is not available.

Domain cannot be deleted immediately. You can use the “Delete” button next to a Domain, to put the Domain into a 40-day Redemption Grace Period based on the Domain lifecycle. At the end of this period, the Domain will be completely deleted and will be available for further registration.

In Slovakia the procedure is as follows: Situation with the change of legal form from service trade to Ltd. is solvable only when SK-NIC, a.s. concludes a new Registration agreement with a new entity (i.e. with a legal entity). In that case, it is necessary to register your new company as a new Registrar via the online application form and then enter into a new Registrar agreement in accordance with the current Terms & Conditions and the price list, which can be found on our website. The original Registrar ID cannot be transferred to another legal entity. If the switch concerns a Registrar outside of Slovakia then each case needs to be handled separately. In that case please contact our support team for more information.

The current ID of any Registrar cannot be changed or modified.