We have already helped 38 projects to implement their plans via support from our SK-NIC Fund. Since 2019, when the new rules for fund distribution came into force, we have helped many schools, organizations and individuals in this way.At this difficult time, our help is certainly more than necessary.
Let’s recall the recent areas of support (chronologically according to their call):
- projects that effectively use information and communication technologies for education or projects educating about these technologies,
- cyber security projects,
- projects with positive impact on the environment (so-called “green IT”).
- digital inclusion projects,
- projects supporting communities through ICT (i.e. improving the conditions of its functioning or improving the lives of its members),
- projects introducing artificial intelligence or machine learning.
We contributed almost 500,000 EUR to support the winning projects from the calls.
We have traditionally presented individual successful projects on our website. We recommend you to look at them, either as a source of inspiration or to gain awareness of how the digital economy in Slovakia could be improved – many of them also have a deeper message.
We have already provided details on several projects from the last call, so let’s introduce seventh project in a row – IN-NOVA organization aims to bring more comprehensive perception of the concept of artificial intelligence to the primary and secondary education level students and also to teach them how to use appropriate devices. The accompanying goal of the project called „I, Robot“ is also creation of the didactic material, organizing excursions, lectures and competitions.
“Let’s Talk Together” project, thanks to which the United School on the Dúbravská cesta in Bratislava will have modern tools for the development of communication skills of mute children with severe disabilities, belongs to the successful ones as well. It is about an application that serves as a tool to express feelings, requirements and everyday needs at school, at home or in public. The applicant for support of this project is the Children’s Fund, which participates in financial support of various activities for children with this kind of special needs.
Third one today, we will present a project whose authors are teachers from Elementary school with kindergarten, Horná Ždaňa. Their intention is to teach in a funny and extremely innovative way – older students are teaching the younger ones. They will become editors and filmmakers in this way and they will prepare series of educational videos for younger children. They will work with a computer or camera and improve their ICT skills. One of the other goals is to teach also parents about the pitfalls of the Internet and social networks. Maybe that’s why the project is called “We Already Know That, and What About You?“.
All of these projects are available on our YouTube channel in a form of short online presentation excerpt that was done in January 26, 2021 (Slovak only).
To conclude, we would like to remind you about the next call aimed for small projects (within 2.500 to 10.000 EUR) – we expect it to be opened in the first half of 2021. All necessary information about this or future SK-NIC Fund’s calls can be found at our website and also at the website of Pontis Foundation.