This year’s call for small projects of the SK-NIC Fund 2021 begins with International Children’s Day. As of today, applicants have exactly 45 days to send an application for financial support from our fund. 100,000 EUR has been prepared once again for innovative ideas of clever Slovak heads. Also in this call, one project can receive support in the range from 2,500 to 10,000 EUR, but we only accept electronical applications via portal (note: only Slovak subjects can apply). The application deadline is midnight of July 15, 2021.
We have partially changed the topics again. Recurring topic – education through information and communication technologies – is extremely popular, so we decided to open it for the fourth time.
However, a novelty is the support of small and medium-sized enterprises on their way to the online world. We would like to support such projects in this area that affect a wider group of people, as our goal is not to “only” donate hardware equipment. You can find more detailed information or a guide on „how to succeed” in the Evaluation Methodology document on our website (Slovak only).
We consider the third topic to be extremely actual, as almost every one of us is in daily touch with the virtual world, which is full of hoaxes. Therefore, we would like to find ideas among the projects that are focused on combating fake news and conspiracies on the Internet.
Whether you have applied for support from the SK-NIC Fund or you are a newcomer, visit our website, where you can find all important information, as well as Frequently Asked Questions document for applicants (Slovak only). You can also contact the Pontis Foundation, which is responsible for the process of applications collection and projects evaluating.
We are already looking forward to the growth of virtual Slovakia with new great projects!