The published Annual Report on Internet in 2020 brought several interesting facts. As many as 90% of Slovaks used the Internet at least once in 2020. Up to 89% of them even daily.
Number of households with an Internet connection exceeded 86%.
Sharp increase in phone and video calls confirmed the trend of transition to online education and the home office of a large part of working Slovak population.
We published the Annual Report on Internet in January 2021. You can find it with other interesting facts about internet in Slovakia on our SK-NIC’s company website (Slovak only).
Slovaks are no longer simple consumers, they increasingly want to be creators
We recorded a significantly increased interest in new domains registration in 2020, as well as trend of “keeping” the domains for more than one year. Slovaks discovered virtual space and realized that having a good place in it, i.e. a good domain, is an advantage.
At the beginning of 2020, we informed that the threshold of 400,000 domains had been reached. The number grew dynamically during the whole 2020 and at the year’s end we recorded more than 425,000 domains. As it also had some connection with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, we followed this trend in detail and created a subpage related to COVID on our website.
The increase was mainly due to the natural interest in entrance into Slovakia’s virtual space. Many self-employed people and companies began to relocate their activities to their own websites and new electronic services or shared business platforms began to emerge. Necessity has become a trend and a standard. Shopping and delivering goods and services over the Internet has become a common reality. In many cases the only one.
We assume that year 2021 will further support the ongoing trend of new domains creation and of maintaining the existing ones, due to expected emergence of new interesting projects in areas of e-commerce as well as of various consulting services, of education, of lifestyle or of assistance in our still closed country daily activities.
Building one‘s own virtual identity, i.e. the active use of internet with the typical registration of one‘s own domain is constantly on the rise and it already continues in this year as well.
Entering virtual Slovakia is easy
With regard to the increased interest in domain registration, we launched the Academy of Virtual Slovakia project in the autumn, in which we use short videos to introduce the world of domains, of website and e-shop creation, of virtual communication, marketing and branding and of know-how protection to Internet “newcomers”.
All videos (10) can be found for free at the dedicated website of SK-NIC. It also includes “6 Steps on How to Establish a Virtual Identity” video (Slovak only).