After closing the call of the SK-NIC Fund for the support of young projects the assessment committee has announced the results. From among 56 projects that applied 11 were recommended for the support!
43 % of all requests are from the field of education, however also citizens associations, natural persons, limited liability companies, foundations or church organizations were among the applicants.
We are glad that the process of the first call has passed successfully.
Enough applications were accepted and most of the applicants chose the topic of education in the field of information-communication technologies. This confirms that the topics for the first call were chosen correctly.
40 from the overall amount of the projects that applied (56) have gone through the formal control. 18 of them fulfilled also quality requirements and passed also to the second round of the assessment process. In the process of assessment the emphasis was being put not only on the benefit for the target group, but also on the way of the realization of the project, efficiency or sustainability of the project. In the end the assessors moved 11 best projects for the approval.
„All eleven submitted projects fulfilled the criteria of the expert commission and were prepared in accordance with the rules of the call. As the last approval body we have decided to award support to all of the chosen projects. Education of young people in the field of information technologies and cybersecurity whether at schools or through non-profit organizations is immensely important in today’s digital world,“ said Mr. Jaroslav Kmeť, General Manager of the IT Department of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization.
Requested sums are within 5 000 EUR to 10 000 EUR range, which means that they are in accordance with the conditions of the call. Thus from the SK-NIC Fund we redistribute practically the whole allocated sum of 100 000 EUR among the 11 mentioned projects.
The following projects will receive the support from the first call of the SK-NIC Fund:
Applicant | Name of the project | Approved sum |
Od emócií k poznaniu | Bezpečnejšie online prostredie pre žiakov a študentov |
9 934 € |
Learn2Code | Programujeme s GalaxyCodr | 10 000 € |
Stopka | Nalieváreň v Corvusáckom PROGRESSbare | 10 000 € |
Asociácia pre mládež, vedu a techniku | Junior Internet | 10 000 € |
KASPIAN | S OKO-m bezpečne na internete | 10 000 € |
Spolok nepočujúcich pedagógov | Zvýšenie porozumenia o ochrane údajov u nepočujúcich osôb | 7 373 € |
Základná škola Pavla Dobšinského | Po stopách interaktívnej podlahy | 10 000 € |
IPčko | Pomáhame mladým cez internet | 10 000 € |
Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach | Letná škola kyberkriminality 2020 | 4 990 € |
Stredná priemyselná škola elektrotechnická | Secure Zochova | 5 437 € |
Stredná odborná škola lesnícka a drevárska J.D.M. Lipt. Hrádok | Modernizácia materiálno-technického vybavenia odbornej učebne geograficko-informačných systémov | 10 000 € |
We will be concluding the agreements about providing the financial support with the authors of the successful projects individually, and the financing will take place while signing the agreement.
All necessary information about the SK-NIC Fund can be found on the SK-NIC, a.s. website or on the Pontis Foundation website.
We wish all projects a successful start and already now we are looking forward to another call during the next year!